Anthony Zaccaro Jr., FDNY Lieutenant
While performing a search at a building, a fire member became entangled in hanging wires, the tool was used to effectively cut through wires causing the entanglement. When entangled again the knife and case were ruled from the mounting and unable to be recovered after the incident Acknowledgment. ~ Thank you, Lieutenant. Your testimonial qualifies you for our drop and replace warranty program. A new tool is on the way. ~ Lifeline Customer Support. [...]

Brandon Wayne Edwards, Engine Company 30
“Today while operating on a MVA with entrapment Engine Company 30 arrived on scene, assessed the vehicle and decided to provide access thru the windshield, for rescue and truck companies in route to the scene. Crews used the LIFELINE ™ Tactical Self-Extrication Tool, a personal extrication tool to start removing the windshield for patient evaluation and access. The ease of making an access point with the butt of the tool and then transitioning to cutting [...]

Chief New Haven Vol Fire Dept. New Haven NY
I’ve been a firefighter for over 25 years. I’ve always felt the need to have a personal sized rescue tool to save myself and others in tough situations. Over the years I’ve carried numerous tools in my pockets to do the job. When I bought my LifelIne Gen I tool it did all I needed plus more….and it hung on my coat at the ready for over 5 years. The tool is easy to [...]

Emmet Newman Fire Captain at the Naval District of Washington Fire Department
Good evening, I am sending this email per our conversation this afternoon. My name is Emmitt I have been in the fire service for approximately 28 years. I am a career and volunteer Firefighter. I am a Fire Captain at the Naval District of Washington Fire Department. Where I lead a crew of 4 on a single engine company that respond to all types of fire, ems and environmental emergencies on our facilities and [...]
Erik Keenan, Captain – Coldenham FD
I come from a small fire department called Coldenham In Walden, NY. The last two weeks my department had a string of 2nd alarm fires that all came in with reported entrapment. Once we arrived at the first of the string of fires we encountered a two family private dwelling fully involved. Luckily on this one once we conducted our searches they came back negative and we found out that all family members from [...]

Hunter Ruffin, Career Firefighter of Bristol Virginia Fire Department
“I was assigned to Engine 1 as the Driver/Operator and ALS provider. Our unit was dispatched to assist Tower 3 on a single vehicle accident with entrapment. While responding, Tower 3 advised that their apparatus was stuck inside of their station due to power lines down in front of the building as a result of the collision, Engine 2 and Medic 1 were requested for additional manpower and extrication equipment. When Engine 1 arrived [...]

Larry Rauch, Chief Fire Instructor, County of Bergen
“We have had an opportunity to test the Lifeline Rescue Tool in our flashover facility. After multiple evaluations, the tools have held up and performed flawlessly. Our instructors were impressed with the design and quality of the tool.”

Matt Trepczyk, Heavy Equipment Operator, Rescue 2 Milwaukee Fire Department
“I’m a Heavy Equipment Operator/Driver on Rescue 2 with the Milwaukee Fire Department. I have been using the LifeLine SRK for 4 months now and absolutely love this knife for vehicle extractions. This knife/tool is very versatile and has replaced many tools in my pocket. It breaks car windows with ease and cuts through braided wire quickly. I have used it to cut through a laminated front windshield and it still has a sharp [...]

Nicholas Addesso, Hawthorne Volunteer Ambulance Corp. 167
“While driving southbound on Route 208, I witnessed a passenger vehicle veer right into the shoulder and make contact with a snowbank and guard rail then flip to stop on its hood and roof. I dismounted my vehicle with my Lifeline Extrication Tool in hand. Upon further size-up of the vehicle, I found that the fuel tank was leaking. After performing a rapid physical assessment, I braced the victim with my shoulder, removed the Lifeline [...]

Stephen Stoner, DeKalb County Fire Rescue Station 24
“I am Stephen Stoner with DeKalb County Fire Rescue (Georgia) at Station 24 where the Technical Rescue Team is stationed. We have a heavy rescue, quint 75 ft Arial and a squad. We also have the dive team and a few swat medics. I am apart of the best and I work with the best. In this company, we go on every fire and vehicle accident with entrapments. We had a vehicle on its side [...]

Upstate Rogues, Facebook Review and Reccomendation
It has some weight to it but all in all it’s a very well made Tool, it locks secure and holds tight in the sheath, can be taken out with one hand, and holds a sharp edge very well. The tool itself fits well in a gloved hand also. So far it’s cut through several types of wires that would be found in a wall as well as the metal around a drop ceilings [...]